Echoism is the other name of
A. Onomatopoeia
B. Metaphor
C. Zeugma
D. Paradox
The term 'Poetic justice' is coined by
A. Thomas Carlyle
B. Thomas Rhymer
C. Thomas Kyd
D. Aristotle
The term 'Pathetic fallacy' is given by
A. P. B. Shelley
B. John Keats
C. John Ruskin
D. Thomas Percy
The 'Problem play' is popularized by
A. Henrik Ibsen
B. G. B. Shaw
C. Thomas Hardy
D. Christopher Marlowe
Who proposed Reception theory?
A. Hans Robert Jauss
B. Saussure
C. John Crow Ransom
D. Vladimir
Who used the phrase Affective fallacy?
A. Wimsatt and Beardsley
B. Pope and Dryden
C. Derrida and Barthes
D. Northrop Frye
Who used the term 'alienation effect'?
A. Bertolt Brecht
B. Jules Verne
C. H. G. Wells
D. W. B. Yeats
Plurisignation is another term for
A. Multiple meaning
B. Chiasmus
C. Paradox
D. Zeugma
Bowdlerize is the derived from
A. Thomas Bowdler
B. Maud Bodkin
C. Thomas Babbington
D. None of these
Comedy of Humors is developed by
A. Samuel Johnson
B. Ben Jonson
C. John Ruskin
D. John Fletcher