1. Chaucer began to write “The Canter-bury Tales” in the year---
(A) 1383
(B) 1385
(C) 1387
(D) 1389
2. Who introduced “The Heroic Couplet into English Verse?
(A) Lowett
(B) Moody
(C) Wycliffe
(D) Chaucer
3. Chaucer was called, “The earliest of the great moderns” and was also called. “The morning star of the Renaissance” who initiated these remarks?
(A) Hudson
(B) Pope
(C) Albert
(D) Kittredge
4. In which year, “The Owl and The Nightingale” was published?
(A) 1240
(B) 1245
(C) 1250
(D) 1255
5. What does medieval Chivalry mean?
(A) Criticism of women’s lovers
(B) Indifference about women
(C) Showy praise of women (a literary and poetic ideal)
(D) Real and deep love for women
6. In which year the Normans lost their native land, Normandy and began to look upon England as their home?
(A) 1200
(B) 1202
(C) 1204
(D) 1206
7. “Ah ! freedom is a noble thing.” Who is composer of this line?
(A) Chaucer
(B) Barbour
(C) Dauglos
(D) Saintsbury
8. Name the poet of the following poems--
(i) Sir Gawayn and the green Knight
(ii) Pearl
(iii) Purity
(iv) Patience.
(A) John Gower
(B) Anonymous
(C) Langland
(D) Coleridge
9. Which of the following is not a contemporary of Chaucer?
(A) John Barbour
(B) John Gower
(C) John Mandeville
(D) William Langland
10. Which of the following four dialects was to become the standard English or The King’s English by the time of Chaucer?
(A) The Northern
(B) The East-Midland
(C) The West-Midland
(D) The Southern
11. John Gower was born in the year---
(A) 1335
(B) 1340
(C) 1345
(D) Unknown
12. In the social Background of the age of Chaucer, there were there medieval institutions. Which of the following is not included in them?
(A) Feudalism
(B) Imperialism
(C) Church
(D) Chivalry and Knight-errantry
13. Which of the following completed the United Kingdom? It means the last conquest of....
(A) Wales
(B) Ireland
(C) Scotland
(D) England
14. Which of the four following dialects was “The London Dialect”?
(A) The Northern
(B) The Southern
(C) The East Midland
(D) The West Midland
15. Chaucer expresses his age---
(A) Infragments
(B) By particular things
(C) As a whole
(D) Through chivalry
16. “Chaucer was not in any sense a poet of the people.” Who says like this?
(A) Lowett
(B) Hadow
(C) Hudson
(D) A.C. Ward
17. Who has been called the “Prince of Plagiarists”?
(A) Ifor Evans
(B) Hardin Craig
(C) Chaucer Geoffrey
(D) Bernard Groom
18. Who was called the first Protestant and the father of the English-Reformation? He may be called with equal Justice the father of English Prose -
(A) Pope
(B) John Wycliffe
(C) John Barbour
(D) Marlowe
19. Which of the following books was written by a French-Physician, Jean De Bourgone?
(A) Sir Gawayn and The Green Knight
(B) Pamela
(C) Travels of Sir John Mandeville
(D) Bible
20. Who was the first to translate the Bible into English? He used the Latin version of the Bible.
(A) William Langland
(B) John Wycliffe
(C) Arnold
(D) C.H. Mair
21. How many characters are there in The Prologue?
(A) 25
(B) 29
(C) 31
(D) 39
22. Who were “Lollards”?
(A) The force of the King
(B) The followers of Chaucer
(C) The followers of John Wycliffe
(D) Agitators of Peasant’s Revolt
23. “It is an encyclopaedia of the art of Love. " Which of the following is it?
(A) Pamela
(B) Merchant
(C) Confession Amantis
(D) Bible
24. Who is known as the father of English ?
(A) Langland
(B) Chaucer
(C) Edward III
(D) More
25. Before English, which language was the language of court?
(A) Italian
(B) Greek
(C) French
(D) German
26. Chaucer is known much for his
(A) Realism
(B) Dialogue
(C) Action
(D) Uniformity
27. Chaucer first used his rhyme-royal stanza in his
(A) The Canterbury Tales
(B) The Book of Duchess
(C) The House of Fame
(D) Triolus and Criseyde
28. Which of the following tales is in prose?
(A) The Parson’s Tale
(B) The Wife of Bath’s Tale
(C) The Cook’s tale
D) The Prioress' tale
Answers : 1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (C) 4. (C) 5. (C) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (B) 9. (C) 10. (B) 11. (D) 12. (B) 13. (B) 14.(C) 15. (C) 16. (C) 17. (C) 18. (B) 19. (C) 20. (B) 21. (C) 22. (C) 23. (C) 24. (B) 25. (C) 26. (A) 27. (D) 28. (A)