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poststructuralism - quiz -test series (questions)

Q.1 who has given the concept of Chora?

2. The term Deconstruction is related to which philosopher?

3. Who says that there is only one kind of language , rhetorical or figurative?

4. The concept of Differance is related to whom?

5. Who said that There Is NO –OUTSIDE TEXT.

6. Who has written the book called Discipline and Punish?

7. The concept of Logocentrism is given by whom?

8. Who has given the concept of The Hyperreal and Simulation, saying that the copy is more real than the original?

9. With whom is the concept of Deterritorialization associated?


1. Julia Kristeva

2. Jacques Derrida

3. Paul de Man

4. Derrida

5. Derrida

6. Michel Foucault

7. Jacques Derrida

8. Jean Baudrillard

9. Deleuze and Guattari

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