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Quiz on Literary terms, letter starting with C

Which of the beat generation writers write an important work called howl?

  1. Allen Ginsberg

  2. Gregory Corso

  3. Lawrence Ferlinghetti

  4. Jack Kerouac

The Correct Answer is 1.

Who wrote the classic essay "On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth" (1823)?

  1. William Shakespeare

  2. T. S. Eliot

  3. Thomas de Quincey

  4. I. A. Richards

The Correct Answer is 3.

Which of these are the examples of comic relief?

  1. The gravediggers in Hamlet

  2. The scene of the drunken porter after the murder of the king in Macbeth

  3. The Falstaff scenes in Henry IV

  4. The roles of Mercurio and the old nurse in Romeo and Juliet.


A. 1,2 and 3 are correct.

B. 2,3 and 4 are correct.

C. 1,3 and 4 are correct.

D. 1,2,3,4 are correct.

The Correct Answer is D.

In which work did the German playwright Bertolt Brecht parody deux ex machina?

  1. Three penny opera

  2. Mother Courage and Her Children

  3. Man equals Man

  4. Life of Galileo

The Correct Answer is 1.

Who is the confidant of Hamlet?

  1. Horatio

  2. Rosencrantz

  3. Guilderstern

  4. Charmion

The Correct Answer is 1.

Who introduced the term 'dissociation of sensibility'?

  1. T. S. Eliot

  2. Matthew Arnold

  3. I. A. Richards

  4. William Empson

The Correct Answer is 1.

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