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The first Poetry (Anglo-Saxon period)

Part 1

Anglo- Saxon or the old- English period

This is the first period with which we begin our study of the history of English Literature. The first poetry or the greatest, earliest, heroic poem in the literature is BEOWULF. This poem begins with a prologue. Although it is not an essential part of the story but it gives us the reference to Scyld, king of Spear Danes.

At a time, when there was no king in Spear Danes, a ship came into their harbor which had lota of treasures and weapons. This ship also had a little baby sleeping. No one was sailing that ship. it came on its own. The baby sleeping in it was Scyld. Scyld became a mighty warrior and became the king of Spear Danes.

Beowulf was the son of Scyld. When he became strong and wise enough to rule, at that time fate came to take Scyld away. One of the descendants of Scyld was Hrothgar, king of Danes. this is where the story of Beowulf begins.

Hrothgar had build a hall near the sea which was called Heorot. It was a magnificent hall where all gathered to feast and to listen to songs. One night a monster named Grendel came into that hall and killed 30 of the sleeping warriers and carried their bodies to eat them. This kept on repeating and an atmosphere of death came to that region. Everyone was afraid as the terror of Grendel continued for 12 winters.

The story of Grendel's terror spread across the sea to the land of Geats- where Beowulf lived with his uncle, king Hygelac. Beowulf was a man of immence strength. He was a mighty swimmer. When he heard the story of Grendel, he got ready to fight the monster and free the land of Danes from his terror. He crossed the sea with 14 companions. There is a description of the meeting of Beowulf with the King and queen of Danes- King Hrothgar and queen Wealhtheow.

Night approaches and so does the fear of Grendel. Everyone warns Beowulf of the danger of sleeping in the hall but he lies there along with his companions. When Grendel sees this, he laughs thinking of his feast. As no weapon works with Grendel, Beowulf waits for the monster bare hands and plans to grapple him bare hands. Grendel comes and get hold of the nearest person sleeping. He bites him, breaks this bones, tears him limb from limb and swallows him. Next he reaches near Beowulf. Beowulf clutches the claws of Grendel in a grip of steel. Grendel becomes terrified and he roars and tries to jerk his arm free but to no avail. He tries to and fro and pulls Beowulf but Beowulf doesn't let go of his arm and finally the arm of Grendel comes off the shoulder. It tears apart. Grendel runs back to the sea to die.

There is moment of joy among the people of Danes. The next day they all celebrate with story telling, songs and gift giving. At night, they feast and the Danes sleep once more in the great hall. At midnight, another monster, a half human creature, mother of Grendel comes. Angry and raging to avenge her son, she comes to that hall and seizes Aeschere, the friend and advisor of the king and rushes away with him.

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